
Nature at its best

Just some pretty pics I've captured over time....


Like mother like daughter

Can't resist a great pair of faces... Cammy and Avery Aller

Need a blog title facelift?

I can help.
Got a look in mind that you want, but don't know how to get it onto your blog?
I can help you Edit that favorite picture... design a title or logo that really personalizes and says YOU on your blog :)

Shoot me an email for pricing and I'll get your thoughts and ideas for that title that you want that says it all!
Email to: courtneyjeanphoto@gmail.com

Here is a sample of my latest project for my sister Cammy's blog title...


The blushing bride

Quincy came to me wondering if I can give her her moment in the spotlight as a bride. She had a small wedding and never got the chance to be the blushing bride every girl wants to be and I had the privilege to give her this moment in her life.



The Vincent Family