
Beautiful Summer Wedding- Kansas City Photographer

It couldn't have been a more magical feeling day. This couple was so sweet and you can just see the love and respect they had for one another. I love shooting weddings, you just can't help but smile all day seeing the love and happiness all around! Its hard to call it work.


Klaryssa and Savannah

Sassy little models with no need for an intro... they are just natural beauties. Maybe I am partial since they are my nieces, but who's counting anyway :) What a lucky Aunt I am

Saints Rugby Seniors

Rugby is a very popular sport in our household, but rarely heard of in Kansas. So it was such a treat to be able to take the team pictures for the Saints Rugby Team. My husband would be overjoyed if Rugby grew more popular here in Kansas. In the meantime, here's a sneak peak at the seniors who played so hard all season!


My favorite Mothers Day Presents!

Can a girl be any more lucky? Well, I guess the answer is yes... our baby girl will arrive in August so I suppose that answers my question :)


Grad Pics!

Couldn't have had more fun with Kayla! A natural at modeling to say the least. Not to mention a beautiful dancer! I don't think I could've had a better time "working" I think we got lost in the moments and the photo-shoot carried us away :)


Dance Photos - Kansas City Photographer

Some dance pictures of this gorgeous and talented dancer! I just loved teaching her dance and working with her as she is a talented model as well! What a package deal.